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All Escorts In Mashonaland East Province

Escorts from Mashonaland East Province

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Mashonaland East escorts, call girls and hookups

Mashonaland East is known as Mash East by the locals. It is on the North-Eastern side of the country and has nine districts namely; Chikomba, Marondera, Murewa, Seke, Wedza, Uzumba-Maramba-Pfungwe (UMP), Mutoko, Mudzi, and Goromonzi.

The province has the largest deposits of black diamonds in the country, at UMP and Mutoko. Goromonzi district is where the 6th largest lithium deposit in the world and the largest in the continent is mined. Chikomba district has the most minerals in the province like gold, nickel, berly, and tungsten.

Prostitution in Mash East

The Harare- Nyamapanda highway is the most popular sex hotspot in Mash East. Sex workers parade themselves at night as they lure their clients particularly truck drivers. Child prostitution is also in this province and the most affected children are those from farming communities. In Macheke, Murewa district, children are forced into this line of work to support their families due to poverty or after being orphaned. Children as young as 13 years join this industry.

Nightlife in Mash East

The Mashonaland East Cultural festival is one of the biggest events held in this province. Formerly known as the Murehwa Uzumba Cultural Festival, this festival was founded by the late Chief Mangwende in 2010 to celebrate the rich cultural heritage of Murewa and Uzumba. At this festival, you will enjoy live music and dance performances. It is a nice platform to mingle with local singles as well.

You can also spend time with friends or go to the nightclubs and bars to pick up girls. Visit places such as;

  • Cross Nightclub in Murehwa has live performances every Sunday.
  • Shaz sports Club in Mutoko
  • Hideout Sports Bar in Mutoko
  • Shades Nightclub in Mutoko
  • Shamwari Yetsoka Night Club in Mutoko

Online escorts on Exotic Zimbabwe

Do not risk picking up underage girls on the streets. Find independent girls in Mashonaland East on Exotic Zimbabwe for a great time and companionship.

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